- Amya Chronicals - A fantasy series with great art direction!
- Awkward Zombie - These are some jokes about video-games.
- Bad Machinery - Pre-teens solve supernatural mysteries and are very British about it.
- Bearmageddon - It's a zombie apocalypse. Except they're bears and not zombies.
- Dumbing of Age - College kids do stuff and talk about chiseled caramel.
- Gunnerkrigg Court - A young girl investigates her strange school
- Guilded Age - A fantasy comic about several adventurers trying to mediate a war.
- Manly Guys Doing Manly Things - Manly video games & other pop-culture things
- Miamaska - A small girl finds herself in a different world and is confused as all hell.
- Oglaf - NSFW. Previously an attempted porn comic set in a mideval fantasy. Usually more punch line than porn.
- Paranatural - Middle Schoolers see ghosts and fight them and make very silly faces.
- Questionable Content - WHO IS PIZZA GIRL?
- Shadowbinders - Girl gets a ring that makes her life STEAMPUNK. (that's not actually completely accurate.)
- XKCD - Stick-figures unravel a world of philosophy, math, and science. And sometimes pop-culture.
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